Take-Off Fuel Consumption – StorkJet’s Tip

What will you learn from this article?

  • How much fuel can be saved because of the optimum take-off configuration?
  • How the acceleration altitude and flaps configuration influence fuel consumption during take-off?


Ever wondered how much fuel can be saved because of the optimum take-off configuration? Keep on reading our second article from the StorkJet’s Tips series to check out how the acceleration altitude and flaps configuration influence fuel consumption during take-off!

In the table below we present results extracted from 2 (out of 44!) FuelPro™ initiatives – the acceleration altitude and the take-off flaps. The analysis covers the results for 3 aircraft types – Embraer E-Jet, Boeing 737-8, and Airbus A320.

For each aircraft type, we checked what is the average fuel consumption for take-off, assuming 4 configuration scenarios

  1. Flaps High & High Acceleration Altitude
  2. Flaps Low & High Acceleration Altitude
  3. Flaps High & Low Acceleration Altitude
  4. Flaps Loweration Altitude & Low Acceleration Altitude

With these information, we were able to compare the results and indicated the differences in fuel consumption.
Next, we calculated what is the real saving potential for each take-off configuration for an exemplary airline (50 aircraft) during one year of operations.

StorkJet Tip:
Use the combination of low flaps and low acceleration altitude to achieve the maximum saving potential!


Figure 1. Take-off fuel consumption


StorkJet’s Tips are a series of articles shared via information channels (LinkedIn, Website) where we publish analyzes, recommendations, and other supportive materials in the area of fuel efficiency. All the analyses are prepared based on the results from StorkJets’ solutions – AdvancedAPM™& FuelPro™.


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