ISO 27001 Certification Achieved

We are happy to share that StorkJet achieved ISO 27001 Certification, showing commitment to the highest information security standards.

WHY ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is the gold standard for information security management systems (ISMS), ensuring organizations have established methodologies and a framework to protect information assets. Achieving this certification means StorkJet has demonstrated a systematic and ongoing approach to managing sensitive company and customer information with integrity, confidentiality, and availability.


This certification is an appreciation and a reassurance for our clients, partners, and stakeholders. It signifies that when you partner with StorkJet, you’re entrusting your data to an organization that meets global benchmarks for information security.


With the ISO 27001 certification, we are even more committed to pushing the boundaries of secure innovation and maintaining the highest level of information security management. We look forward to continuing our journey, ensuring that our solutions meet and exceed the rigorous standards expected by our partners and clients in today’s digital world.

A huge thank you goes out to our team, whose hard work have made this achievement possible. We also thank our clients and partners for their trust and support. Together, we are setting new standards for secure and innovative solutions.



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